HTTP REST Interface

Sometimes it’s useful to interact with RoboHydra from an external program. The typical usecase would be setting an appropriate scenario before running a test and check the results afterwards, but there are other interesting possibilities. For that reason, RoboHydra offers a simple REST API to gather information about the loaded plugins and available heads. It allows allows you to make simple changes (attach/detach heads and start/stop scenarios).


For now, all URLs in the API return JSON. They don’t pay any attention to the Accept headers. See each URL for specific examples.



This call gives you the list of loaded plugins, together the full information for each plugin’s heads and scenarios. Example output (reformatted for readability):

    "plugins": [
            "heads": [],
            "name": "logger",
            "scenarios": []
            "name": "simple-i18n",
            "heads": [
                    "attached": true,
                    "name": "language-detection",
                    "plugin": "simple-i18n"
                    "attached": true,
                    "name": "plain-fileserver",
                    "plugin": "simple-i18n"
            "scenarios": [
                    "plugin": "simple-18n",
                    "name": "simple",
                    "active": false

Single plugin


This call gives you the information (heads and scenarios) for the given plugin. Example output (reformatted for readability):

    "name": "simple-i18n",
    "heads": [
            "attached": true,
            "name": "language-detection",
            "plugin": "simple-i18n"
            "attached": true,
            "name": "plain-fileserver",
            "plugin": "simple-i18n"
    "scenarios": [
            "active": true,
            "name": "language-detection",
            "plugin": "simple-i18n"

Single head


This call gives you the information for the given head. Example output (reformatted for readability):

    "attached": true,
    "name": "language-detection",
    "plugin": "simple-i18n"

You can also detach/reattach a head by sending a POST request to that URL with the new value for the attached property, form-encoded. Eg.:

$ curl -X POST -d "attached=false" http://localhost:3000/robohydra-admin/rest/plugins/foo/heads/bar

Single scenario


This call gives you the information for the given scenario. Example output (reformatted for readability):

    "plugin": "simple-18n",
    "name": "simple",
    "active": false

You can also start/stop a scenario by sending a POST request to that URL with the new value for the active property, form-encoded. Eg.:

$ curl -X POST -d "active=true" http://localhost:3000/robohydra-admin/rest/plugins/foo/scenarios/testScenario

Test results


This call gives the current assertion results for every scenario. Normally a test will be considered passed if there’s at least one assertion in the “passes” list and no assertions in the “failures” list. Example output (reformatted for readability):

    "*default*": {
        "*default*": {
            "passes": [],
            "failures": []

    "simple-i18n": {
        "basic": {
            "passes": [
                "Should serve the right page",
                "Should favour matching specific country variants"
            "failures": [
                "Should serve pages with the right headers"

Summoner (list of hydras)


This call gives the list of current hydras. Example output (reformatted for readability):

    "hydras": [

Single hydra


This call allows you to delete a hydra. You can either use the DELETE verb or the POST verb with active=false as a body parameter, form-encoded. That is, these two calls are equivalent:

$ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:3000/robohydra-admin/rest/hydras/foo
$ curl -X POST -d "active=false" http://localhost:3000/robohydra-admin/rest/hydras/foo

The output will be empty and the status code will be 204 No Content.

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